Why Successful Women Drink - November Webinar

'Why Successful Women Drink: How to Escape Doing 'All The Things' Without Using Booze'

Sunday, 19th November 5:00pm AEDT

This webinar will unlock the secrets to balancing success and self-care without turning to alcohol. An empowering journey towards a life filled with limitless potential, presence, and authenticity.

Your will learn...

  • How alcohol allows us to suppress our authentic experience and the hidden damage that can do our personal & professional trajectory.
  • How our attachment style, creates the 'Type A' personality type, and why perfectionism and control create the perfect storm for a person trying to take a break or reduce their drinking.
  • How anxiety and perfectionism are the opposite of what is needed for a 'take it or leave it' relationship with alcohol. And how to create that.
  • Tools to create a plan for the lead up to Christmas without the need to escape our experience of life with alcohol. 

All this for just $29.97!

* Free for Be The Lighthouse Members

Payment Details:

  • One payment only
  • Payment will be deducted from your Credit Card or Paypal account automatically and you'll be emailed a receipt from either Stripe or Paypal.

$29.97 AUD