# 33 - Unleashing Your Human Potential

Join host Emma Gilmour in this week's episode of "Midlife AF" as she explores the profound connection between living alcohol-free and unlocking our human potential.

Emma shares her personal experiences and insights, highlighting the transformative power of reducing alcohol intake or taking a break from drinking.

Discover how shedding the constraints of alcohol can lead to embracing authenticity, intuition, and a life of abundance. Get ready to tap into your own magic and unleash your true potential in this inspiring episode.


Key Takeaways:


Alcohol-Free Living: Emma emphasises that being alcohol-free is not just about abstaining from drinking but a gateway to self-discovery and personal growth. By removing alcohol, we create space for our true potential to unfold.


Authenticity and Intuition: Explore the journey of authenticity and how reducing alcohol consumption can help align with your true self. Learn how to access your intuition and inner knowing, empowering you to make choices that align with your desires and aspirations.


Embracing Abundance: Discover the shift from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance by reframing your relationship with alcohol. Explore how freeing yourself from alcohol-related limitations can lead to a life filled with purpose, fulfilment, and embracing your unique gifts.


“I genuinely believe that if we take alcohol out of our lives, or at least reduce it significantly or take an extended break... we open ourselves up to our magic.”



Here is the link to Brene’s Midlife Unravelling article https://brenebrown.com/articles/2018/05/24/the-midlife-unraveling/

- My Awareness worksheets for people wanting to prepare prior to taking a break from drinking or reduce their drinking by being more mindful about what and why they drink https://www.hoperisingcoaching.com/awareness-worksheets-opt-in

- My 3 day virtual retreat will change your relationship with alcohol without stopping drinking. https://www.hoperisingcoaching.com/may_retreat


- My 5 Day Alcohol Reset for people looking to take a quick reset https://www.hoperisingcoaching.com/fivedayreset

- My self-paced 30 Day Aussie Alcohol Experiment https://www.hoperisingcoaching.com/aae

Learn more about me at: www.hoperisingcoaching.com

Follow me on insta @hoperisingcoaching


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