#61 Burnt Out AF (Part 2)

I'm joined by autism advocate Viv Dawes who shares her expertise on autistic burnout. She discusses the signs and symptoms of burnout, and provides a 10-point "burnout prescription" for recovery and prevention.

Topics we chat about include acknowledging exhaustion, reducing demands, embracing neurodivergent identity, the importance of rest, sensory needs, and more.

Episode Highlights: 

  • Autistic burnout is a real phenomenon that requires prolonged recovery time. It is not something that can be recovered from quickly.
  • Understanding one's autistic identity and needs is crucial for preventing burnout. Embracing stimming and other self-regulatory behaviors is important.
  • Recovery requires acknowledging exhaustion, reducing demands, spending time on interests, alone time, and time with understanding peers.
  • Recovery looks different for everyone and may involve long periods of rest, changes in routine, and avoiding past overload situations. It is a journey that takes time and space.


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